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Bruh that was a rotting rope

FlameGreyWolf December 27, 2023 5:31 pm

NGL with what was foreshadowed in the comments I had thought Eclis assaulted Penelope or something. Not like this!!

Damn I knew his description was way too short to be true for just being a slave knight. Ugh. I understand Penelope's anger. It's deserved that the one time she's trying to save her own life and it was cut off way too early, with that bastard just bringing someone to push her off the edge and blow up like that.

The next bastard is her 'brother' Derrick. He's never changed, his pride as the heir prevents him from seeing Penelope as anything better than his biological sister.

Reynold seems to have at least, some affection for Penelope, though his track record has been better than Derrick's, he's still a wildcard in this place.
