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about season two

seo December 27, 2023 7:54 pm

for those of you who dont know, the author was involved in a serious accident and had brain damage, and had to go through some surgeries in 2018/19. in may of this year, she became active on her facebook( MomoJi ももじ) and even a few days ago reposted some of her old posts about from nightmare to love. she has not come out and said anything about a possible season two with everything that has happened to her, and webtoon THAILAND has her webtoon marked as completed at 50 eps and even on daily pass, but that doesnt mean season two is impossible. for those of you who enjoy this webtoon, i will keep up with her fb and make updates here if needed. please continue to show love and support for author momoji, and feel free to dm me if u have any questions!!!!

    Son Minji March 30, 2024 11:12 pm

    Thank you and I hope the author will recover, not because I want to continue her work, but genuinely worried for her. This was horrible what happened to her