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Tad confused

Lime December 27, 2023 10:41 pm

I’m still confused by the brothers thing and stuff if someone can help (´・_・`)

Q: Is the white haired guy a hybrid and son of Dracula?
Q: Is it fraternal love or not(authors explanation was ?)

    kun January 3, 2024 11:54 am

    1. If youre talking about Small Master , no he is not the son of Dracula and no he is not a hybrid. He's a pureblood vampire , but is more considered as a cursed angel because vampires like him have a deep thirst for both human and vamp blood.

    2. Their love is a mix of romantic and fraternal love. Dracula sees Gilles (SM) lowkey as his lover because Gilles stayed with Dracula. But its also a kind of sibling/parent-ish love because Dracula taught Gilles what he needed to know and also always finds himself trying to take care of his childish "little brother." It's weird to think about but there's definitely a perfect mix of romance and bromance.

    Hope this helped! Happy New Years! (⌒▽⌒)

    Lime January 4, 2024 2:51 am
    1. If youre talking about Small Master , no he is not the son of Dracula and no he is not a hybrid. He's a pureblood vampire , but is more considered as a cursed angel because vampires like him have a deep thir... kun

    Aww thanks!!! It makes much more sense now, happy new years as welll (´v`)