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WHAT COULDVE BEEN (but really never quite got there)

sweetpotato December 28, 2023 12:14 pm

WHAT COULDVE BEEN (but really never quite got there)

what ruined it all? harem and bland ass mc.

look. i tried, i failed, and i unintentionally stumbled right into a harem. fuck my life. hours wasted. IT WAS CUTE. IT WAS CUTE. I AM NOW SO UPSET. I’m up to the beauty pageant art when i’m kind of like suspicious of the sexualisation of it all - hyper and that’s when the dip downhill begins to just fucking nosedive. PLOT CRASHED. PLOT GONE. PLOT IN FLAMES. WHY IS THE BEST FRIEND SUDDNELY SMITTEN WITJ HER BESTIES FIRST LOVE. LIKE STOP. WHY TF HAVE YOU FALLEN IN LOVE WITH HIM??? girl code broken. girl code in the grave.

FURTHERMORE. THIS FXUKING MALE LEAD IS JUST THERE. HES JUST THERE. WHAT EVEN IS IDENTITY? bc whatever it is, he doesn’t have it. it’s not in the room with us. He’s passive asf, letting girls invade his personal space and he’s “nervous” whilst rejecting them under the guise of his religion which i respect but is clearly just there as a cockblock to the plot so he’s not dating and sleeping and going out with every girl in the school. Like jesus christ. why is everyone OBSESSED with him. Love triangle, i get - it’s an unfortunate plot device used too generously in shoujo to the detriment of the audience’s sanity, and the satisfaction of no one. BUT TO HAVE SO MANY. TO HAVE A HAREM. BY GOD. MY GOD.

it was wholesome. it was sweet. i was excited by the sheer number of chapters. now i am but a sad readers, sorely disappointed and my time was properly wasted.
