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The mental gymnastics some of yall do to rationalize the problematic things the characters...

Agarouge December 29, 2023 2:37 am

The mental gymnastics some of yall do to rationalize the problematic things the characters do is crazy. Like just read with critical thinking knowing its bad like trying justifying it makes you a freak

    Heu77 December 29, 2023 4:02 am

    Anyone who justifies rape is disgusting. It should never be normalized nor romanticized. The author doesn’t do a very good job of showing the long term effects of rape on a victim. Them making a non-canon fanservice rape chapter around 70s range also shows they most likely fetishize rape.

    I personally just think gods are different from humans, their grudges will not live as long as them is my thinking. But doesn’t mean rape or sexual assault in general is justified in any form. We, humans, live shorter and die easily, so the effects of such trauma will live as long as us.