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Iam in chapter 37 and Iost interset already , I still don't understand why she kept runnin...

Miss.outako88 December 29, 2023 6:51 am

Iam in chapter 37 and Iost interset already , I still don't understand why she kept running for 5 years , I really don't get the plot when FL or uke ml run away while pregnant, they other parent have the right to know he is about to become a father and be involved in his kids lives,

    joufflues January 1, 2024 10:06 am

    my answer is that everyone in this manhwa in particular sucks, but mostly when the pregnant one runs away, 90% of the time its the one running who sucks, and theyll waste years of the ML's life, like YEARS, bc they were too afraid to say "hey, when you do this, it makes me think this" or JUST ANY FORM OF COMMUNICATION AT ALL

    Marpter January 6, 2024 3:18 am
    my answer is that everyone in this manhwa in particular sucks, but mostly when the pregnant one runs away, 90% of the time its the one running who sucks, and theyll waste years of the ML's life, like YEARS, bc ... joufflues

    In this case, because she just decided the emperor is a bad person because everyone says so. No attempt to get to know the real him. She knows how he got the throne, so she should know that if he shows too much kindness to random people they will think he is weak. She is a knight. She really should know this.

    Spoilers below---------------

    The only characters who make sense are the children, the emperor(ml) and the maid. Everyone else make no sense decisions and actions. Most of them in the name if revenge for, i'm guessing, killing their parents who were responsable for the emperor's years of actual daily torture