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Many TW’s and my review

DweebKIKI1 December 29, 2023 8:30 am

Okay so before you read a lot of things happen Here:
-Fisting -vibrators -sounding -cather -love eggs -dildos -gagging -choking -asphyxiation
-shit ton of rape it takes up more of the story like 30 chapters are pure rape -non-con drugging -drugs in general -blood -fighting -gang fights/wars -guns -knives -kidnapping -manipulation -abuse (the type you should go to hell for) -child abuse -gang banging -murder

In terms of plot, there is none when you really think about it, its pure smut/rape and shit ton of sex crazed psychos, there’s some story but mostly at the beginning but after like chapter 10 it’s just everything I said above. Also the story is in B/W with occasional color. The art is pretty good esp for this type of story. If I had to rate it maybe a 7/10 being generous or a 6/10, the smut tho would be a 8-9/10.

    XaniEvans December 29, 2023 4:13 pm

    Yeah the plot is basically some gang stuff for a few chapters then 70% r**pe, mind break stuff then some more gang stuff