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Wait I’m confused…

Nobody December 29, 2023 8:05 pm

I thought doppelgängers were made to resemble a human that they had to kill to replace?
So overall. They’re not evil because whoever they’re replacing is supposed to be the bad person no? Daewoon is a rogue doppelgänger then? Cus he’s not a good guy.
How come we never saw Sang-ah going to all these classes?
So many questions.

    Forgot December 29, 2023 9:25 pm

    Might wanna read the prolouge and ch 1 again. Sang-ah couldn't go to the classes because they had to hide the fact that he was a "defective" doppelganger that didn't look like his target.

    Tomosen December 30, 2023 10:25 am

    And the class said "longtime-ghost" so maybe his soul/ghost wasn't dead for that long... I think.

    And you know, ghost can be "bad" too, bc what happens when a doppelganger kills its man to replace, and that ghost gets found by the docs? But usually they don't remember what they were like in their life, so the tendency of theirs should have changed, but there are cases where no matter what you do, they have that "evil" side bc of the surroundings and effect they take in.

    Was it understandable? I might have wrote it a 'lil complicated...

    Nobody January 4, 2024 4:24 am
    And the class said "longtime-ghost" so maybe his soul/ghost wasn't dead for that long... I think.And you know, ghost can be "bad" too, bc what happens when a doppelganger kills its man to replace, and that ghos... Tomosen

    Thank you. I just probably need to reread from the beginning, but am being lazy.