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Good for Nana. She's sticking to not getting involved in the bully-drama. I hope this new ...

manganiME December 22, 2016 5:05 pm

Good for Nana. She's sticking to not getting involved in the bully-drama. I hope this new girl really is as nice as she seems and they can be true friends. And I hope the ugly stuff those three were doing to Nana comes out and Yuyu is unmasked. Shioka-Kun is a jerk for saying they are alike. They are NOT alike. He doesn't see how they emotionally jerked Nana around.

    Ayu chan December 23, 2016 1:40 pm

    I don't think so, because I know yuyu the dark queen will never allow Nana to be happy. She just like to make Nana her slave a typical side of tyrant will do. Well that's just my opinion from reading the manga. About shioka kun I think what he said about they are alike is the similarities how much her spoke because yuyu copy paste Nana not the personality. This is just my opinion,the truth just the author and god knows.

    manganiME December 23, 2016 6:07 pm
    I don't think so, because I know yuyu the dark queen will never allow Nana to be happy. She just like to make Nana her slave a typical side of tyrant will do. Well that's just my opinion from reading the mang... Ayu chan

    Yuyu is definitely a tyrant. I mean, I would hope she learns and changes and stops being so manipulative. It's nice when evil characters get a clue, you know? I want so much for this new friendship to work out for Nana and for Shioka-Kun to be supportive of her "revolution." He's been a good influence for her in his "I don't give a crap what these other think, I do my thing."

    Ayu chan December 23, 2016 11:19 pm
    Yuyu is definitely a tyrant. I mean, I would hope she learns and changes and stops being so manipulative. It's nice when evil characters get a clue, you know? I want so much for this new friendship to work out ... manganiME

    If yuyu change, the story will finish in there. Because I don't know what her motives to bully. I will bully because I'm rich or because the boy I liked proposed to you that's just example reason from the other manga

    manganiME December 23, 2016 11:52 pm
    If yuyu change, the story will finish in there. Because I don't know what her motives to bully. I will bully because I'm rich or because the boy I liked proposed to you that's just example reason from the other... Ayu chan

    I explained this is another comment just now, haha. We already were told why she's doing this: to keep Nana at her side, to keep control of her, to keep possessing her and telling her what to do and being next to her. She is bullying to force NAna to BE at her beck and call, at her side, under her thumb.

    I forget what chapter, but she did explain her reason.

    manganiME December 23, 2016 11:53 pm
    If yuyu change, the story will finish in there. Because I don't know what her motives to bully. I will bully because I'm rich or because the boy I liked proposed to you that's just example reason from the other... Ayu chan

    For her to change would be to realize that if you love someone, you don't manipulate them and make them miserable. Yuyu believes that as long as she has what she wasts/loves, it doesn't matter if the other person is miserable. That's why she's a villain. If she changes and realizes her desire to control is pathological, then she will be a better person. But, who knows how this rolls. I'd like for her to change. Girl is whack.