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(Ch 1) I would love the power of mindreading but only if I can control it, save myself the...

Demi December 30, 2023 8:34 pm

(Ch 1) I would love the power of mindreading but only if I can control it, save myself the embarrassment of hanging out with fake people

(Ch 2) I'm sorry, but the flashback at the start of the chapter where those two boys got into a fight was ridiculous, if another friend(1) tells you your other friend(2) doesn't like being pushed into doing things you like, and your not hearing it from friend(2) then the best coarse of action would be speaking to friend(2) to found out how they can make it more comfortable for each other instead of jumping into conclusions and starting an all out fight confrontation. If my Friends behaved like
children at their age and acted like that I'd scold them both because that form of manner I will not tolerate. I myself have willing removed myself from friendship groups that never worked out, not to harm my mental health. And the audacity for that guy to call out Toshiki's name out to gossip in front of his face from something that happened in middle school shows how Toxic and immature this Tetsuya guy is
