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What a big let down

Aizawa Miyako December 30, 2023 11:59 pm

Honestly they should tag rape here. Just read the first 4 chapters and not what I expected at all.
I thought I will find a nice, strong seme-sama, somehow they will get together with uke-chan and the MMA guy will help the good doctor to beat up the lone sharks, or something.

I'm a huge fan of Asami in the Finder series, and they definitely had a rough start with Akihito, but even him, the big bad yakusa guy was not this bad. It helps he saved Aki a lot of times. And seeing the comments, the seme actually doesn't get better. At this point I just hope he gets beaten up on a match or poisoned.

    Aizawa Miyako December 31, 2023 12:09 am

    As I can't edit my comment: How the hell does this manhwa has 8,8 rating? Like why do people like rape and fucking Stockholm syndrome?

    Aila December 31, 2023 8:35 am
    As I can't edit my comment: How the hell does this manhwa has 8,8 rating? Like why do people like rape and fucking Stockholm syndrome? Aizawa Miyako

    Honestly I'm shocked it's less than 9 rating, people are crazy here lmao

    jojo December 31, 2023 10:58 am
    As I can't edit my comment: How the hell does this manhwa has 8,8 rating? Like why do people like rape and fucking Stockholm syndrome? Aizawa Miyako

    its the art and the steamy sex scenes of pornwah with a little bit of plot ...

    asami ryuichi future wife December 31, 2023 4:04 pm

    Okay, I know it might not be the right time or comment but...... YAASSSSS I found another Finder fannnn!!!!!!! Thank you! I know asami was HELLA toxic but now adays these bl manhwa mls are a whole nother breed of toxic like damn

    jojo December 31, 2023 4:24 pm
    As I can't edit my comment: How the hell does this manhwa has 8,8 rating? Like why do people like rape and fucking Stockholm syndrome? Aizawa Miyako

    you can edit your comment btw you just have to press the title

    Aizawa Miyako December 31, 2023 10:20 pm
    Okay, I know it might not be the right time or comment but...... YAASSSSS I found another Finder fannnn!!!!!!! Thank you! I know asami was HELLA toxic but now adays these bl manhwa mls are a whole nother breed ... asami ryuichi future wife

    Yes, I'm an Asami fan too. :) I mean I was not really a fan of rapey elements, but Asami got a lot better. they grow together a lot, and I feel like from the start Ryuichi didn't view Akihito as a nice hole. Ryu is attracted to Aki because of his spitfire personality, of course it helps that Aki looks good, but compared to this Jinx manhwa, Finder is a tame story with a nice and healthy relationship :D (can't believe I'm saying this for Finder). Same for other darker yaoi mangas, toxic seme is a popular trope but this one (Jinx) beats them all in toxicity. I think the writers/mangakas and the readers should ask themselfs, if this shit would be done by a 60ish old overweight bastard, would they like it the same? (In the last couple of years 50 shades and 365 days did not help the pop culture for sure)

    Morning Diamonds January 1, 2024 3:19 am

    Jinx does not beat them in all in toxicity. It is on the weaker side. Jaekyung could be more toxic and darker stories beat Jinx.
    Why should there be a rape tag? There is no rape in Jinx. There is no Stockholm syndrome.

    temy January 1, 2024 7:47 pm
    Jinx does not beat them in all in toxicity. It is on the weaker side. Jaekyung could be more toxic and darker stories beat Jinx. Why should there be a rape tag? There is no rape in Jinx. There is no Stockholm s... Morning Diamonds

    You’re just as delulu as Kim Dan atp o.o

    Morning Diamonds January 1, 2024 8:50 pm
    You’re just as delulu as Kim Dan atp o.o temy

    I spoke the truth. Kim Dan is not delulu. Please educate yourself and read the story as it without adding your delusions.

    temy January 2, 2024 8:54 am
    I spoke the truth. Kim Dan is not delulu. Please educate yourself and read the story as it without adding your delusions. Morning Diamonds

    The fact that you’re pushing the ‘no rape’ and ‘no Stockholm syndrome’ cards for this story when anyone with a sane mind can see all the signs showing otherwise, says a lot about what sort of person you are. People usually try to excuse or downplay violent and toxic actions when they are delulu or they themselves have that kind of behaviour. Or they’re a troll. And you sound like you can fit in either category.

    Morning Diamonds January 2, 2024 5:21 pm
    The fact that you’re pushing the ‘no rape’ and ‘no Stockholm syndrome’ cards for this story when anyone with a sane mind can see all the signs showing otherwise, says a lot about what sort of person y... temy

    I am being honest. If anyone is a troll it is you since you are doing the ad hominems on me and lying about me.
    That is showing how much of a troll you are. Saying what the story is not doesn’t excuse or downplay what the story is. You are adding rape and SS. You are being toxic by attacking others who have the right pov and adding false accusations on them. If you read the story it is not rape.

    If you educate yourself on rape and SS. You will realize neither fit to the real story of Jinx.
    I am not pushing it. I am stating facts. Period.
    Also I never excuse or downplay anything. The story is sexual abuse. Sexual assault. Sexual coercion. But it is not rape or Stockholm syndrome.
    It is missing many elements for it to be SS and there are many elements in play where it can’t be SS. The same with rape.

    Morning Diamonds January 2, 2024 5:26 pm
    The fact that you’re pushing the ‘no rape’ and ‘no Stockholm syndrome’ cards for this story when anyone with a sane mind can see all the signs showing otherwise, says a lot about what sort of person y... temy

    From a friend. “As we know, Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking

    This isn’t the right type of relationship abuse and if you look at psychological causes, signs and symptoms this story doesn’t fit.,documented%20in%20the%20research%20include%3A&text=Feeling%20closely%20bonded%20or%20attached,of%20the%20captor%20or%20abuser

    It gives you 5 Examples of Stockholm Syndrome. None are close. 4 is the Stockholm syndrome abusive relationship. The abuse that causes Stockholm Syndrome isn’t there and there many elements that doesn’t allow to develop to Stockholm syndrome.
    The original Beauty and the beast is Stockholm Syndrome but the Disney’s version isn’t.,syndrome%20have%20all%20but%20vanished.

    It can’t and won’t be Stockholm Syndrome. It is not Dan catching feelings from an abusing situation either. The story says something else. It isn’t trauma bonding either.”

    Jinx is not SS. Period. I am sane and educated. I never downplayed or excused anything. I just don’t add to the story or misunderstanding terms. If anyone being delulu it is you, doing ad hominems to degrade others on your opinion with false accusations. Sounds like you are projecting.

    Morning Diamonds January 2, 2024 5:29 pm
    The fact that you’re pushing the ‘no rape’ and ‘no Stockholm syndrome’ cards for this story when anyone with a sane mind can see all the signs showing otherwise, says a lot about what sort of person y... temy


Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.

Rape is a FORM of Sexual Assault. Sexual assault means more. 
In which a person is forced to engage in sexual relations. Where is that in Jinx? 
He grabs him and tosses him on the bed = abusive. 
“HOLD STILL BEFORE I BREAK YOUR ANKLE.” Sounds like a threat but more likely a warning. 



Skipping some lines. “…DON'T EXPECT TO BE
SENT HOME SAFE AND SOUND.” He makes a threat. 
Dan remembers the uke being slammed in the wall— abusive 
“THEN... HOW DO I DO THIS.” If this continued it would been raped because he threatened him into it. BUT skipping some lines. 

“IF EVEN THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU, THEN JUST GET THE FUCK OUT.” This is the second time Jaekyung told him to leave. Dan could leave. 

Dan consented and it had nothing to do with the threats or being forced into it. 


IN NOW... Dan is consenting. 

Dan stops consenting. “S-STOP... DON'T”
Slam his head into the pillow- abusive. 
“…AND I'LL SMASH YOUR HEAD IN.”- threatening. 
First reading I was like this is rape. End of chapter 3. 
Chapter 4. Dan isn’t saying anything and by Jaekyung he is tight. Verify Dan told him to put it in again “YOU TELL ME TO JUST PUT IT IN, AND THEN CLENCH UP SO TIGHT I CAN'T
EVEN DO IT.” Why didn’t Dan talk again. He is too tight to cause him to bleed. When Jaekyung noticed something is wrong. He stops. He turns Dan around “WHAT THE ARE YOU CRYING?”OVER THAT? I BARELY EVEN PUT IT IN! “ Look at that face. He is concerned. He wants sex. He does not want to rape the guy. If you think rape is sex. You need professional help. 

“N-NO, THAT'S NOT WHY... Y-YOU JUST... STARTLED ME...”. This would not stop like no stop to someone. It would be a green light to many. 
Jaekyung covers up his concern. 
“NO... HIC-I CAN DO IT...” Dan consented again. 
This is not rape. 

No. Sir please. It is too deep. 
A few panels Jaekyung will stop thrusting and bend over to talk to Dan. He stops. He listened. 
He asked Dan how many guys had him before him. 
Dan is saying no it is not like that. It takes a little jump. We don’t know if Jaekyung asked to continue or not. 
Dan asked him to be a little gentler. He covers Dans mouth and finishes. 

What rape? Dan may not like it but he consented to it. At anytime he could had said he was a virgin and voiced more about his feelings. 
Again rape is Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.
Jaekyung did not force him to engage. He did made threats but the one that count is invalid as he told him to go home and Dan chose to stay. There was no emotion force. No manipulation. 
Then Dan returns to make another deal with him. Dan is a man and knew what kind of sex Jaekyung liked then. The second time I would say it comes close to rape is the penis sleeve. 
You have to take consideration Dan’s character and Jaekyung’s character. The story is clear it is not rape. It does come close to it

    : Is it rape? It comes close to rape. It is toxic but I don’t feel comfortable saying it is rape. 

But if you say it is. Joe isn’t a rapist- look at from his side without knowing Dan’s thoughts or why he needs the money. If we call him a rapist then anyone can be a rapist at any given time and on someone’s thoughts?? I would be paranoid. 

Joo wants sex. He is paying for sex like has been doing. If you think rape is sex - seek professional help. Dan consented to him and keeps consenting. They have a contract in chapter 6. He does say stop or no. Some no’s are answering questions but next he is consenting again. He is not voicing his feelings to Joo. He agreed to this. He knew. If you want to call it rape you can’t call Joo a rapist because he is clueless. As a rape crisis counselor it does come close to rape at times but the next scene changes it. As a whole of what is there no but if we add thoughts… but then in the real world wouldn’t we all be trouble 
-yes judge I told him yes. 
Yes judge I told him to put it in. 
Yes I said no but I told him to go gentle after. 
However I was thinking I don’t want this. I wanted to be done. I wanted him to stop as I verbally gave him consent, even after I took it away. Then judge I agree to a contract to have sex with him at anytime he wanted too. I am saying I am rape because I was thinking I didn’t want to. 
The ones saying rape is harming real rape survivors. Joo is toxic but you got to look he stopped when he was crying and did stop at one of the times Dan said stop in their first time. Joo wants sex not rape. Rape is about power and control. I wonder if the author will have it revealed Dan don’t enjoy and Dan lied the first night to him a few times. Joo isn’t going to happy. Joo thinks Dan was had experience but Dan was an inexperienced virgin. 
With all the facts from the story if you want to call it rape that is your opinion. With all the facts, Joo is not a rapist. Go back and read it without reading Dan’s thoughts. Read it as if you are in the room or Joo. Pay attention to Joo, especially when Dan is crying. Now we can talk about SA. 

Hey I am more aligned with the story. Don’t like it don’t attack me. Remember to be civil and every one can have an opinion even if it is different from yours. Stop the absolute BS it is your opinion or be called a rape apologist and seek professional help that is just immature and insecure in your opinion. (Many attacked a rape survivor saying this wasn’t rape. It was disgusting to watch.)


Sexual assault is any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature that makes a person feel uncomfortable, frightened or threatened. It can occur when a person is forced, tricked or coerced into sexual behaviour without agreeing to it. 

Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered

    Morning Diamonds January 2, 2024 5:31 pm
    The fact that you’re pushing the ‘no rape’ and ‘no Stockholm syndrome’ cards for this story when anyone with a sane mind can see all the signs showing otherwise, says a lot about what sort of person y... temy

    There is no rape or SS in Jinx. Those claiming it is rape or SS either don’t understand the story and those terms, kept their first impression or are a troll. Most of them are trolls.

    Morning Diamonds January 2, 2024 5:35 pm
    The fact that you’re pushing the ‘no rape’ and ‘no Stockholm syndrome’ cards for this story when anyone with a sane mind can see all the signs showing otherwise, says a lot about what sort of person y... temy

    One of my comments that I have posted like 3 times now.

    At parts it is dub con and non-con but not rape.
    Rape is non-con but non-con can many other things.

    ". The University will not tolerate rape, sexual assault, or other forms of sexual violence or nonconsensual sexual activity."

    Auniversity separating rape and nonconsensual

    Any actual or attempted nonconsensual sexual activity including, but not limited to: sexual intercourse, or sexual touching, committed without physical force, coercion, threat, or intimidation; exhibitionism or sexual language of a threatening nature by a person(s) known or unknown to the victim."
    Sexual touching is non con.
    “Nonconsensual pornography” is when a sexually graphic image of you is shared without your consent.
    Non-consensual sex takes many forms, including forced sex, transactional sex, cross-generational sex, unwanted touch, and molestation.

    Jinx is non-con (transactional sex) but it is not rape.

    If you are meaning non-con for only rape then Jinx is not non-con.

    Morning Diamonds January 2, 2024 5:37 pm
    The fact that you’re pushing the ‘no rape’ and ‘no Stockholm syndrome’ cards for this story when anyone with a sane mind can see all the signs showing otherwise, says a lot about what sort of person y... temy

    As you can see I see the story as is with understanding the terms. I don’t add negative elements “oh it is rape” to degrade and attack the person who is saying the truth.
    Seek professional help if you can’t talk about topics and can only attack people. Stop being toxic and abusive

    temy January 3, 2024 4:16 am
    As you can see I see the story as is with understanding the terms. I don’t add negative elements “oh it is rape” to degrade and attack the person who is saying the truth. Seek professional help if you c... Morning Diamonds

    No need to overexplain yourself, it only helps to incriminate your twisted mind further.

    Morning Diamonds January 3, 2024 4:53 am
    No need to overexplain yourself, it only helps to incriminate your twisted mind further. temy

    More pathetic ad hominems.
    The truth isn’t twisted. Your troll is.
    You are projecting yourself here.
    Go touch grass

    Morning Diamonds January 3, 2024 5:09 am
    More pathetic ad hominems. The truth isn’t twisted. Your troll is. You are projecting yourself here. Go touch grass Morning Diamonds

    Your trolling*
    I hit post instead of correcting it.

    I only explained the truth. Temy, needs to educate themselves and stop being toxic. Trolling is for cowards and when ad hominems are used it shows they have no
    good arguments and usually sadistic.
    Ad hominem: in other words, a personal attack, attacking the person instead of attacking the issue. an example of Ad hominem would be, "poisoning the well" is the direct attack on the trustworthiness of the person making a statement instead of addressing the statement.

    Ad hominem refers to attacking the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself."

    They must not have a very good argument , if all they can do is attack. Disgusting. 

they are saying they lost. Thanks for sharing the lost because none of their comment fits to me but they fit to themselves. Also, if I am in their opinion then they are too since the views are similar. They need to seek professional help if they have to attack others to feel better about themselves and feel superior or more “self-righteous”. They cant have more morals or be better because of trolling, ad hominems, and lies. That is what shows a twisted mind trying to harm others to feel better about themselves and making others look bad to be better when they are being realistic and honest.
    The truth is there is no rape or Stockholm syndrome in Jinx with the real definition. The story debunks those claims. It is not my opinion. It is simply the facts.