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Yeah no

Manga meme December 31, 2023 2:59 am

Hmmmm naur naur naur, I just really can't support this. I would rather die than be a mistress. I mean yeah sure you say she didn't have a choice, but she did though.

Run away, sure you might think this is stupid but she's hella hot, pretty privilage can really do wonders of you know how to use them right.

With her face she could have worked for a small tavern as a waitress and made her wage, live a simple life away from the whole bullshitary happening.

If she was really desperate she could have become a willing prostitute to a reputable place with her face and shit and earn fast money. (I know I would do one of the two or both really)

She chose that life, to be a goddamned mistress I really can't support this BS especially since I can understand the Empress.

I couldn't read through the third chapter but I read she met the emperor first than the Empress, bestie that ain't an excuse, his fucking married back the hell off. The empress had every right to be bitchy, imagine your husband bringing in a white, if it was in the empresses perspective she's a deffo villain.

Whatever the empress does to her is the empresses right, a fucking whore is here dancing like she owns the goddamned place, like she's the Empress.

I don't give two ducks I'm supporting the Empress cuz the FL is just not giving

    LaNansha December 31, 2023 4:54 am

    I mean she was locked in the room and then she was off to marry him lol. She didn’t have the space to prepare to flee like a lot of FLs do when they regress. The way they showed it, she basically moved into the palace the next day.

    chevy January 8, 2024 2:47 am

    you’re weird af. i’ll never kill over a man . both of them suck imo

    whalien January 14, 2024 6:59 am

    Me when I don’t know what the hell im talking about and have no brain cells

    Soggymilk January 14, 2024 7:19 pm
    Me when I don’t know what the hell im talking about and have no brain cells whalien


    Soggymilk January 14, 2024 7:19 pm

    You just said a whole lot of nothing

    Manga meme January 15, 2024 2:25 am

    People think insulting others opinions are so funny to me, if you don't like my opinion leave, a comment section is to leave your comments, I left reasons as to why I believe this is garbage. If you want to criticize me please do it in a mature way with opposing reasons that seem credible, simply insulting me is immature.

    I've read it, it's not well writen, I have credibility of say this since I've already read through multiple manhwas and this one is just so sorry and stupid in multiple ways, reasons? I've stated it in the main comment

    I am now curious as to why you are so strong in defending this , other than that one comment y'all are just stating insults and to answer that comment, this is my opinion and my outlook.

    She was locked up and stuff and was to be shipped of next day? I'd kill myself than go through tha,t no amount of vengefulness will make me go through that if I truly want to escape, I reincarnated once I can again. I'd rather be dead than have a title of mistress.

    Know this though, I'm very vengeful and will not sit down until I get even, but in that situation where I'm practically stuck with one path to be a mistress and I know what will happen I'd kill myself.

    I will have my revenge against them by doing so too because my family has no tool to use, that is enough those two will get what they get in the future if they do deserve it.

    Soggymilk January 15, 2024 3:53 am
    People think insulting others opinions are so funny to me, if you don't like my opinion leave, a comment section is to leave your comments, I left reasons as to why I believe this is garbage. If you want to cri... Manga meme

    Yeah this story is kinda bad but the points you make are worse and doesn’t make any sense. You’re so extreme on every end and doesn’t seem to TRY to understand the FL even a little bit. Her only driving force rn seems to be revenge so it make sense for her to come back on the same path so she can personally enact that. Running away would not give her that satisfaction. You’re just talking about what u would do in this situation and while valid you’re not the FL and don’t think the same.