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What’s something you can’t stand in BLs? Or other genres?

⚠The gay cousin⚠ December 31, 2023 12:35 pm

What’s something you can’t stand in BLs?

1.For me i hate unnecessary rape/noncon and how it’s so common.
2. I don’t like omegaverses (just not by cup of tea)
3. Teacher x student (just no)
4. Most red flag behavior

Those are the big main things that puts me of from the story
How about u guys??

    Fueru December 31, 2023 12:40 pm

    Weak ass chicken uke that can't say no.

    Uke/seme that instantly forgive any kind of horrendous thing done to them and fell in love with them

    Overly idiotic mc. Stupid mc can be funny but idiot mc just want to make me smack them.

    How uke always choose the most red flag seme rather that that one second ml that love you from behind.

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays December 31, 2023 12:42 pm

    Gay characters.

    ⚠The gay cousin⚠ December 31, 2023 12:42 pm
    Weak ass chicken uke that can't say no. Uke/seme that instantly forgive any kind of horrendous thing done to them and fell in love with themOverly idiotic mc. Stupid mc can be funny but idiot mc just want to ma... Fueru

    Omgggg yessssssss

    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays December 31, 2023 12:42 pm

    Please suggest any bls without queer men

    ⚠The gay cousin⚠ December 31, 2023 12:44 pm


    Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays December 31, 2023 12:44 pm
    Please suggest any bls without queer men Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    any straight main male characters that is bl will do

    Kitty ! December 31, 2023 12:45 pm

    specifically ukes who are all sunshine and rainbows and are the most innocent beings on earth

    Fueru December 31, 2023 12:50 pm
    Please suggest any bls without queer men Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays


    ⚠The gay cousin⚠ December 31, 2023 12:54 pm
    specifically ukes who are all sunshine and rainbows and are the most innocent beings on earth Kitty !

    Yeah they can be hella annoying sometimes

    ⚠The gay cousin⚠ December 31, 2023 12:56 pm
    Howwwwww. Fueru

    That’s what im thinking…

    Fueru December 31, 2023 12:57 pm
    That’s what im thinking… ⚠The gay cousin⚠

    Except what they're asking is about two straight males bending each other hmmmmmmmmm /jk

    ⚠The gay cousin⚠ December 31, 2023 1:00 pm
    any straight main male characters that is bl will do Gayhater_#Homophobic_Burngays

    Sorry can’t help y’all, I can’t thinking of any bl where someone is straight and stays straight the whole plot.. usually most of then are gay, bi, pan or at least questioning through out the story

    ⚠The gay cousin⚠ December 31, 2023 1:01 pm
    Except what they're asking is about two straight males bending each other hmmmmmmmmm /jk Fueru

    Then are they really “straight” lol

    Ani December 31, 2023 1:07 pm

    1. Love triangles
    2. Unnecessary misunderstandings for drama
    3. I am gay only for you
    4. Incest (like wtf even. Mostly about when they are half blood related or whatever)
    5. Horribly done psychological and fucked up plots
    6. Dumb ass ukes who are damsel in distress
    7. Beta or alpha turning into an omega (most disgusting thing ever)
    I can keep going on lmao

    Fueru December 31, 2023 1:10 pm
    1. Love triangles2. Unnecessary misunderstandings for drama3. I am gay only for you4. Incest (like wtf even. Mostly about when they are half blood related or whatever)5. Horribly done psychological and fucked u... Ani

    Omg, The only gay for you thing is cringe af at times (some were done right and can be very enjoyable but mostly just trash), and the misunderstanding! Fucking talk!!! What are you, a kindergarten kid?
    *Me everytime*

    ⚠The gay cousin⚠ December 31, 2023 1:16 pm
    Then are they really “straight” lol ⚠The gay cousin⚠

    Actually no a straight person can have sex with a man without it making him gay, because just as a gay person can have sex with the opposite gender without it making him straight.

    It just not as enjoyable i guess, because if you aren’t attracted to them in any way, why do it?

    misterchan December 31, 2023 1:28 pm

    i will read mostly anything except art i don’t find appealing however…
    some things that makes me go :
    - beastiality or can turn into animal or only one has animal traits
    - sometimes water sports
    - EXTREMELY big size diff with the top having that big dick… it’s the size of the bottom like…
    - sometimes belly inflation reminds me of pregnancy and i get the ick
    - ugly bastard

    as for actual stories LOL:
    - too feminine looking uke’s…
    - grooming gets the side eye
    - when a green flag guy looks like soft and teddy bear iykyk idk ig not really my type
    - “psychological” stories when they’re not even that good on the psychological aspect (killing stalking )
    - lack of mention of sti/paranoia of sti
    - “slow burn” but nothing is burning
    - first meeting, seme is mean to uke and uke is like “why are they so cold uwu what’s wrong?” like BITE BACK GRRR ARF ARF

    Ani December 31, 2023 1:36 pm
    Omg, The only gay for you thing is cringe af at times (some were done right and can be very enjoyable but mostly just trash), and the misunderstanding! Fucking talk!!! What are you, a kindergarten kid?*Me every... Fueru

    FRFR. The misunderstanding is a major ick to me when they are adults. Like for highschoolers you can at least understand cause they are kids not really that experienced BUT FULL FLEDGED ADULTS CANT SPEAK TO EACH OTHER AND SOLVE THEIR ISSUES??

    Nerium December 31, 2023 1:59 pm

    Choosing the red flag in the love triangle, how stupid they make the bottoms, romantization of rape, the we knew eachother as children for a day and I've been in love with you ever since trope, relationships with any kind of parental figure, lack of safe words, how unhealthy kinks are depicted, all the damn squirting, everyone is a player or a virgin, lack of foreplay, calling the butthole a pussy, the butthole being in the wrong spot, edging us with switch couples, lack of actual medical help when someone is obviously suffering a severe mental health disorder, the fun, loveable, good personality, unique person is always a side character that gets minimal spotlight.

    Hamleto December 31, 2023 5:04 pm

    When they add rape to make the bl “fucked up and psychological” like babes!!! You dont need to add rape for something to be fucked up and have the psychological aspect to it! An example of that is : Uke and seme are both fucked up, and guess what THE SEX IS CONSENSUAL! Yes, they are both psychos, the psychological aspect is there and there is no rape at all!