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Consent Under Duress

Kaelepulu January 1, 2024 3:06 pm

I thought this was a concept that was widely understood. Not here, apparently. Maybe some of you want to look it up.

A few people here have mentioned that they got over their own trauma by having sex, so I am going to give this a little more benefit of the doubt than I otherwise would. I hope for their sake, though, that it was just sex, and not being raped a second time, just less brutally, like the uke was.

But at no point in this entire story was consent freely given. Every instance was consent under duress, which even legally, is considered to not be consent at all. In the US, at least, if you laid this entire story out in front of a judge, the seme would be headed to jail for rape and extortion.

And don't get me wrong, I am enjoying this story immensely, it's the first one I click when it comes up in my notifications. But that's because I know it's fiction, and the things being done to the uke aren't real. Not because I think it's reasonable to do those things.

Then I come to the comment section and it's full of people who think it IS reasonable to do those things, people who comment, "wEll hE aGrEeD tO IT" as justification. Who apparently have no understanding of the concept of consent under duress. I keep hoping they are just trolling, but if not, are they out there in the world doing things like this? Smugly telling themselves that they've done nothing wrong?

I like this story, and I like coming to the comment section to see what other people think about each update, but good god this comment section more than any other comment section is full of people that make me wonder what the hell is wrong with them.

    Yjk x Kdj January 1, 2024 7:36 pm

    You couldn’t have explained any better. Last week I had an interaction with a person who kept blaming the uke for his behaviour. I was genuinely confused y they thought that way, how was the acts they partake in consent ful at all….
    So everyone please take the time to read this and understand what a “clear consent” means!

    Ree Urr January 7, 2024 5:15 pm

    LITERALLY?? i found absolutely NO issues with this yaoi no rape coming from the seme, no toxicity, and the uke isn’t getting misunderstanding from other people that the seme talks to. yes he has trauma, but that’s not his fault. And the seme is honestly helping him get through it, even waited a few weeks before they went all the way

    Kaelepulu January 8, 2024 2:35 am
    LITERALLY?? i found absolutely NO issues with this yaoi no rape coming from the seme, no toxicity, and the uke isn’t getting misunderstanding from other people that the seme talks to. yes he has trauma, but t... Ree Urr

    Yeah, literally. You're not gonna believe this, but it's actually a no no for a boss or employer to make a deal where you give them sexual favors in order to keep your job or get a promotion. For really real. Astonishing, I know. It's actually even against the law. You are arguing that he's being cool by showing some patience enforcing the illegal, morally bankrupt deal he made? Yay? And as for none of it being rape? Let me ask you something. If I put a gun to your mother's head, and said that if you chose to have sex with me I wouldn't shoot her, and you agreed, would you say that was freely given consent? There is no such thing as consent when something is being held over your head. That's called coercion. Let me ask you another question. At any point, did it seem like the uke wanted to be there? Or did it seem like he was dreading it? It's the latter, right? He was coerced to be there. Consent that is coerced is not consent at all. Morally OR legally. Literally. He was raped. Literally.

    Yjk x Kdj January 8, 2024 4:49 am
    Yeah, literally. You're not gonna believe this, but it's actually a no no for a boss or employer to make a deal where you give them sexual favors in order to keep your job or get a promotion. For really real. A... Kaelepulu

    your right about the sexual favours part, but damn hold up, don’t be so mean(don’t bring their mom into it)…. But people need to see the point being conveyed here. The boss is in no way a good person. Offering such a deal to a cornered man, is nothing more than taking advantage of his vulnerability. Please understand that guys…..