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been there, done that

Shun January 1, 2024 11:05 pm

i actually feel so sad for the mc, cause i was also manipulated, gaslighted and sh*ts. used me and drained me, pretended that they love me. would say a lot of reassurance but actions says otherwise.

its really hard to be in that situation bcos the manipulators tends to make you think and do everything to make you feel that they're the only ones you have and need. it was really hard for the victims to ask for help, cause they may think that it will worsen the situation, they are threatened or bcos they dont know where to ask for one. Since the victims became so dependent to their abuser/manipulator, they're usually scared of leaving theyre so called "comfort zone", even tho it was not rlly their comfort zone in the very beginning, it is what their abuser made them think.

Hoping the readers would never judge ppl like the mc in this manhwa cause these sh*ts really happens in real life. not all ppl r strong minded, not ppl are all the same. check all of your love ones, cause they might also be abused, mentally, physically and emotionally. :))
