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Rachel is not as bad as y’all think

AJ!❤ January 2, 2024 10:14 am

Ok this may sound stupid but only y’all gotta really read into Rachel’s character and in my opinion I think her character is flawless because she’s really human compared to a god like being like bamm and she wants powers like his and that’s why she hold so much jealousy like a human would and also I believe Rachel was supposed to have some type of power but bamm probably stole it because we know Rachel knows of Icarus or is Icarus and even used Icarus form in the data world but how would Rachel know what Icarus looks like if even the 10 family’s don’t know so I’m assuming Rachel is Icarus and lost her wings/powers because she flew too close to the sun which is bamm and his power to absorb everything his alway been depicted as a giant ball of white light like the sun so she came to close to him or another form of bamm and lost her powers/ died and became Rachel if that makes sense but yeah I don’t hate Rachel but I hate her actions because they were incredibly stupid and mischievous

    Kapu January 9, 2024 12:09 am

    Not exactly, she has knowledge, but she was never chosen by the tower. I do agree that what makes her a good character is that she is able to reach so far, despite only being a human. Now, consider this, even if she had any type of power, she decided to keep Baam in a hole, grooming him to use him in the future, so whatever power she might have or could have had, they are useless without Baam. Further to this, the plot is actually hinting more towards Baam's parents being involved with Jahaad and the original family heads of the tower, so Rachel is a wonderful character, just not that special, which is precisely the point.

    AJ!❤ January 9, 2024 11:51 am

    Ur totally right what I really want to know how does she have this knowledge and what is her role within the tower because even though Rachel may have not been chose she’s still technically an irregular meaning she should bring great change and with her knowledge that we know of and don’t know I think there’s many possibilities that she can change the tower I mean she’s already made a change already by utilizing Emily .