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need help finding this shouen manga

mewmeo January 2, 2024 10:44 am

So i need help finding this shouen manga (i think it is) its an isekai where two guys one that works at office and another thats an otaku and both die and gets isekaied as girls in fantasy world BOTH are girls btw remember that and all i could remember is just them trying to survive and explore the forest or somewhat a green area they're at
memorable thing that I remember is when the otaku who's isekaied btw compares their boobs to the office guys and i think gets jealous???? (idk tbh why I remembered that not my thing but hope that'll help anyone remember idk) I only read the beginning chapter

Also they're not romantic for each other (since I found a manga where two guys who are isekaied both find each other attractive due to how both are their type of girls so its not that NOR one guy is isekaied as a girl while the other guy is just a guy NOT that manga either)

Honestly im not sure if its even a manga or maybe it might be a video idk if so link it please T.T
