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Chapter 11: why tf is he being punished when he was the victim? Yes he (omega) liked it bu...

Evilcat January 2, 2024 2:02 pm

Chapter 11: why tf is he being punished when he was the victim? Yes he (omega) liked it but the way I see it is like alpha is teaching omega a lesson and omega is 17yo!

    mochilix January 2, 2024 7:39 pm

    this. exactly this. it made me so uncomfortable how this one and most stories portray jealousy like,,,,,,,, he's the victim here, u should COMFORT him NOT POUNCE on him, like bro how are u any different from them? and it's shown so weirdly as if it's an act of love, he's ravaging him because he loves him and he's jealous but damn, that's so problematic