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Gris January 3, 2024 1:40 am

Waiting for your student to become legal just to intiate having a relationship with them is not normal, guys. I get it, the intent is not there, the teacher is not grooming the student but it is still wrong.The teacher WANTED him when he was a minor! Adding a number to your age doesn't change that. A minor just turning 18 feels like fucking yesterday, it doesn't mean they're immediately granted the title of an adult. I can't believe I have to say this, but dating a teacher in that age would get me killed. The teacher has more experiences being an adult, having to learn years after years just to earn his degree as a teacher, and then his partner is a freshly graduated HIGH SCHOOLER and just recently turned 18 years old when he is just starting to enter a whole new life being a college student. How is that not wrong??? I can't believe I really have to say this.

    mari-san January 3, 2024 7:08 am

    I agree with you. But I can't put it in proper words, but I think that humans are fucking complex, our emotions are a whole universe of shit-show. So I think it's posible for a person to feel that, it's similar to having intrusive thoughts because you know they're there but you know you won't act on them. So as long as a teacher doesn't lay a hand on their student even with or without "emotions", I think that's acceptable.. Of course there's different categories of "want", if it was in a more disgusting manner it's more off-putting than a teacher having sort of "pure" feelings of just affecting and love. I guess it's relative to the situation, the people involved, and it's easier to theorize about it when it's just a story rather than it happening to me or a close friend/family. So yeah it's wrong, but depending on many factors it could be less wrong? Idk

    Gris January 3, 2024 7:49 am
    I agree with you. But I can't put it in proper words, but I think that humans are fucking complex, our emotions are a whole universe of shit-show. So I think it's posible for a person to feel that, it's similar... mari-san

    It's actually a mental illness to have that predatory thoughts on children, so as long as they won't act on them AND get treated, it's fine. There's a case when they have these thoughts and they don't want it all. In this case, even if it might seem "pure" and "love", like I said, the intent is not there but it's still wrong. It's still a teacher having feelings to a student and the said student is the more "aggressor" in the relationship. But what the teacher should've done is to not encourage it at all. This manga could've been cute if the teacher met and fell in love with him LATER, rather than when the student was still a minor. If they desperately want a student x teacher trope, then make an appropriate age gap between them and make the setting on college. It's that simple, really. I haven't seen that kind of story, it's always on high schooler which is fucking sad to be honest. Age gap is not an issue when they are consenting ADULTS.

    Gzxii January 26, 2024 12:50 pm

    People should be more educated on this kind of topic like you

    mari-san January 26, 2024 3:32 pm
    It's actually a mental illness to have that predatory thoughts on children, so as long as they won't act on them AND get treated, it's fine. There's a case when they have these thoughts and they don't want it a... Gris

    I agree with you. Pedophilia is pedophilia. I'd absolutely hate it if something similar happened to my younger sister/brother.

    Riruru March 14, 2024 9:17 pm

    I feel like u r reading the wrong genre...