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my opinion

mandy_j January 3, 2024 3:18 pm

I made it I made it to chapter 5 but haven't started it yet. I find the female lead to be stupid and weak. Why does she think that the plot has to reign supreme? I understand that it's a trope but it's kind of annoying as well. Being a recluse was a good idea, but at the same time, it's like she's still weak. She's anybody's stepping stone. The only time I've seen her have any gumption was when she faced the Emperor as a servant. I understand the wanting to survive, but she still just seems weak and stupid to me. Does she get better?

Edit: chapter 5 and beyond gets better. The spoiler page is extensive too so nice to know the story gets better

    eve January 5, 2024 11:16 pm

    in my opinion she acted like any normal person would, but maybe that’s just me cuz i’m stupid and weak, but so far she has a very realistic approach to things