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Satsuki January 4, 2024 9:06 am

The art is beautiful, and the cum was realistic for once, that was surprising. But omg, I hate the seme. He put him through sm. I get he had that upbringing, I get it’s not always easy to be yourself, and I get it takes some ppl years to accept themselves. He knew, yet still messed with Uke twice, knowing he wants to be out and just got out of relationship. I don’t care if he “changed”(if he doesn’t stop his parents it won’t work out), he hurt the Uke sm. The Uke is also too soft, I see married person? I don’t go towards em. I see closeted man who is selfish in the dark? I’m running the other way. God, I hated how this story made me feel.

    taersty May 2, 2024 10:30 pm

    "the cum was realistic for once" lmao but true. this whole manga is just a bunch of red flags trying to get their shit together