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what happend to this artist other work "I love you kyouko san"?

g0thg0re666 January 4, 2024 11:52 am

I decided to leave this here because this work of theirs has a chapter update as of 2024, if you have no intrest in I love you kyouko san then please ignore this. I've been trying to research and find out what happend to the rest of ilyks (i love you kyouko san) , from mangago there has not been an update for almost 4 years and checking other websites I've found no record of any chapters past 6. what happend for the story to stop receiving updates? I've found very little discussion on ilyks let alone the artist so I'm very confused, i really just want to know what was suposed fo happen as chapter 6 leaves off on a cliffhanger. any and all help is appreciated thank you!
