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This is just too weird. Like, i get that there are ppl in actual dom/sub relationships irl...

Zsims January 4, 2024 3:18 pm

This is just too weird. Like, i get that there are ppl in actual dom/sub relationships irl but that's by choice and the roles are based on their preferences. The idea of the dom/sub role being something that is assigned to you as a second gender without you having a say in the matter just doesn't sit right with me. Especially for the subs because it seems that they can't really go against the doms' commands and are compelled to do whatever they're told. Like in the story when the sub suddenly kneeled without meaning to when he first met the dom just because he commanded him to. It just gives me the ick. Imagine if this was true in our world. The subs would be literally and figuratively fucked

    Karamel_4432 January 9, 2024 4:47 am

    Im in the bdsm community and thats completely spot on for the whole dom/subaverse. Switches are huge in the community, never seen a single switch story either. Consent is key and they are treating it like a bdsm omegaverse which notably has a consistent lack of consent. When I dom someone, they know everything im going to do way before that moment and its been agreed and discussed upon.

    Sugarhoneyicedtea March 2, 2024 2:37 am

    The difference with dom/sub universe is that usually they set a safe word. When the sub says the safe word, the dom is stopped by it, no matter what. If they don't it makes them incredibly sick (usually, I've never seen one where a dom didn't stop when the safe word was used. It's like a command that only the sub can use. A lot of dom/sub universe manga use this as a way for the subs to keep themselves safe.

    I have also read some dom/sub universe manga with switches so they are out there