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The mother hen in me resonates with Roel. I mean, wtf was that your highness?! Would it ki...

Beemo January 4, 2024 3:22 pm

The mother hen in me resonates with Roel. I mean, wtf was that your highness?! Would it kill you to be honest for once and respond in kind with Chase?!
Ngl they look a bit too young for me but I have to give credit to Chase’s awareness if not maturity. It’s a wonder he hasn’t gone insane all those years. And well, though Cyril is a reindeer and can be an ass mostly because of his words, he says the things that Chase wanted to hear the most (except a confession, still pissed about it). They’re a good match but I’m with Roel on wanting to beat them up over that confession thing hahahaha

    Beemo January 4, 2024 3:24 pm

    Tsundere, not reindeer. Autocorrect made choices it seems