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so what actually happened?

here for the memes January 4, 2024 4:58 pm

can someone explain to me what happened between aida and her father cos ik she was groomed by him but i dont understand cos idk if the manhua ever made it clear. was she raped by her dad? or was she molested? i read the book scene but i dont get it.

    zephaestus May 7, 2024 1:43 pm

    yes, they apparently did it and their father already took her pearls (jfc) bc i read it not long before when aida was telling aisha about some prosti she used to read with his father, that that prosti could only reach happiness if they do the deeds and that certain chapter clearly stated that their father demonstrated it with aida and that made aida reached happiness too— hearing that made aisha cry in which baffles aida on why she's crying because dhe doesn't see what's wrong with it. (wtf is wrong with these people, leave my precious twins alone amd i hope that aida can heal from this with aisha on her side.)