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I just read chapter 96 and you guys need to calm down

anon235 January 4, 2024 9:04 pm

Okay I kept seeing people claiming Cain and Jooin are endgame here, which hyped me up, until I read the actual chapter...I'm guessing that the primary basis for this whole endgame business is mostly because Cain gave him a ring with 'Yours to Claim' inscribed in it...Which I'll admit is fair because it's the manga title. But honestly guys, it sounds like Jooin is about to dump Cain and tell him to let him go and find another reason for existing. Because why would he jump into another relationship after his whole spiel about how he was tired of not being the master of his own emotions? And Jooin also mentions wanting to conclude this story properly, as he seems to feel Cain can't live in the present if he's too stuck in the past. I'm sure there will probably be a timeskip following that where things will be resolved.

That said, Jooin can still choose Cain in the end, and I'm sure Yahwi fans will be upset because the story began with Yahwi and we saw all the highs and lows of their relationship and they can *argue* that we didn't get to see that really with Cain and Jooin's...At the same time, Jooin can also still choose Yahwi, and I'm sure Cain fans will be upset because in that case, what was the point of that ring with the freaking manhwa title in it???

In any case I feel like both Cain and Yahwi shippers all got baited in a way, which is why I'm kind of over this manga. For all we know, this could've been Cain's story all along, or he might be narrating it from his deathbed and Jooin gets with Yahwi after spending a couple happy years with Cain, or the ring might have just been a clever play on the title and Jooin is shown 'claiming' Yahwi in the end. Anyway, I don't really want another debate on which relationship is better or more real or how some of us are in denial based on the evidence...I'm just tired of this manga at this point. Lol.

    BarbecueChicken January 4, 2024 9:19 pm

    Can I ask where you read chapter 96?

    anon235 January 4, 2024 9:23 pm
    Can I ask where you read chapter 96? BarbecueChicken

    The Cloud Recess. I wonder if all the translations will be the same.

    BarbecueChicken January 4, 2024 9:29 pm
    The Cloud Recess. I wonder if all the translations will be the same. anon235

    Alright thanks

    Akirajhay012 January 4, 2024 11:38 pm

    Yeahh, Cain arriving in the story is so good to be truth like he's giving himself and at the same time he wants Jooin to choose him. I don't know

    GODZILLA January 5, 2024 4:32 am

    Of course we got baited in someway it's love triangle and as a love triangle the author did a splendid job at making us go oh yahwi endgame, wait no Cain is endgame, Wait no it's, and etc. Honestly the first few author who know how do a love triangle with making it obvious.

    Also you should read around Cain stans on twt. They ARE saying Jooin does want to conclude their relationship but in the process of reaching Cain, he might realize he wants to continue their relationship. Because at the end of the chapter Jooin still said he'll be waiting for Cain as it's his turn to wait. Honestly this chapter actually drops that Cain is definitely endgame if you paid attention to Cains actions and what revolves Jooin and Cain with their past life, it makes sense.

    GODZILLA January 5, 2024 4:34 am
    The Cloud Recess. I wonder if all the translations will be the same. anon235

    It's the same. It's the official translation