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Hear me out, everyone seems to collectively dislike the prince. But this got me thinking, ...

maiasa January 4, 2024 8:49 pm

Hear me out, everyone seems to collectively dislike the prince. But this got me thinking, if I were in his shoes, I'd probably do the same thing man. I mean as readers we already know they switched bodies, hence why we're so frustrated that Reinrin in Kaigetsu's body was constantly dismissed by the prince. But if we didn't know? That it's already etched in our brain that Kaigetsu is bad, and we didn't know they swapped bodies, we'd still think Kaigetsu (Reirin) is bad so we'd want to separate her away with Reirin (Kaigetsu). So... hating on the prince, is it really justified? Idk just my two cents.
