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Trash Ending

Kizzy705 January 6, 2024 6:29 am

I adore a good psychological thriller, but let's not twist it into some warped perception of love at the end. Glen was a trash human. Joseph should have left and never looked back. I was so happy when it seemed like he was unwavering with his decision to leave. It was a toxic toxic relationship. I really enjoyed the beginning, but it took a sharp turn at the end. Felt rushed and shallow. What they had was NOT love. It was an infatuation and it was not healthy. Also-- Vincent? The true MVP? He had a bit of a hiccup moment there, but he was the true friend. Should have been end game. Why did the author even flesh out his backstory if she was going to ignore and discard him? Felt like the author stopped caring about the story at one point, which is a shame because it had potential. Sorry, I'm a bit heated rn lol

    Zzz February 26, 2024 12:43 am

    That’s kinda the point, though. When you go through the typa situation that the MC went through, and when you get manipulated by someone like that, you can form a horrible codependency/attachment to the manipulator/abuser. This isn’t a love story

    (I do think the author just wanted to write a short story/didn’t plan through enough, and just forgot to include stuff or just didn’t want to get into it all so they could finish faster)