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AkabaRitsu January 6, 2024 12:38 pm

Before reading this, i read comments and marked to my head that this has a fucked up story so does its ending. While reading this mixed feelings came through. Wonder, Irritation, Sadness, Happiness and many more came in. To make myself clear, I don't pity murderers and so are people who'd make fun of how people look/think/act/react/live their life. It's not good to play around people's feelings and gesture toward someone or something without knowing what's going thru their mind/life. I hated the mother SO MUCH for being like that to seiichi. But starting from the chapter where in seiichi got released from the prison and finally meeting his mother again till the last chapter, all I felt was sadness and pain. As someone who experienced depression for years because of family and peer matters, their story hits different. I won't even argue if someone disagree with my statement that I do understand their actions, why? Because you will never be able to tell what a person was thinking/feeling just because of their actions. Monsters weren't born, they were made, and it is them. Don't worry if you hate the story, It wasn't meant for you to understand, it's meant to just exist and inform. Fin.
