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Love the art and detail good storyline and development although could of done without the ...

KitLee January 7, 2024 7:57 am

Love the art and detail good storyline and development although could of done without the dr shii and some bits with the "step dad" ahem! Enjoyed the development of Tsurugi and Inubo's relationship seeing them both grow and Tsurugi have some real feelings for once and a new norm. Wish there was a side story to the main story, looked for the prequel while typing this skimming through the slides it is 7 vols but definitely wouldn't read if you REALLY didn't like this at all because it is ca-razy! It's the "step dads" story and hoo hoo I don't think I'll finish every vol of it, it's A LOT psychologically with a lot more um just umm... crazy off the walls shii (facepalm) this series itself isn't bad I've definitely come across worse BL Hentai and regular BL
