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Yuuji. January 7, 2024 9:14 am

ITSSS SOO GOOD!!but the ending was rushed and still disappointed that this manhwa has romance bro he could have choose someone else...WAS THAT GIRL WAS EVEN AN S RANK?CAUSE TO ME SHE WASN'T, GIRL WAS EASILY DEFEATED AND ALSO A DEAD WEIGHT WHY CHOOSE HER!??...

    Yukiii (●´ω`●) January 7, 2024 4:03 pm

    sameee dude i dropped it mid way bc of that

    WAP.exe. January 8, 2024 1:20 pm
    sameee dude i dropped it mid way bc of that Yukiii (●´ω`●)

    Dropping a fire manhwa just because of a little romance is actually embarrassing for you…

    Yukiii (●´ω`●) January 8, 2024 2:43 pm
    Dropping a fire manhwa just because of a little romance is actually embarrassing for you… WAP.exe.

    What to be embarrass about? Its my opinion, besides, there’re still a lot of fire manhwas other than this which has no romane so…┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ I do like SL, but romance just ain’t for me

    LatteGratte January 8, 2024 4:15 pm
    Dropping a fire manhwa just because of a little romance is actually embarrassing for you… WAP.exe.

    Very embarrassing. Not even like it was the focus lol.

    Yukiii (●´ω`●) January 8, 2024 6:49 pm
    Very embarrassing. Not even like it was the focus lol. LatteGratte

    Well I tried, but still can't read it if it has romance in it, made me lose interest in reading completely. I can’t help it

    Min January 8, 2024 7:22 pm
    Very embarrassing. Not even like it was the focus lol. LatteGratte

    dropping a manhwa because you didn't like/care for something in it isn't embarrassing, it's normal. we're reading shit illegally here, if we don't like something we can easily drop it with no issues. you must be a teenager, to find everything and anything "embarrassing". hopefully you'll grow out of your little-bitch phase.

    Yuuji. January 8, 2024 10:14 pm
    dropping a manhwa because you didn't like/care for something in it isn't embarrassing, it's normal. we're reading shit illegally here, if we don't like something we can easily drop it with no issues. you must b... Min

    Thats true da hek why u guys even fighting about it

    Yuuji. January 8, 2024 10:16 pm
    dropping a manhwa because you didn't like/care for something in it isn't embarrassing, it's normal. we're reading shit illegally here, if we don't like something we can easily drop it with no issues. you must b... Min

    how is that even embarrassing when u just drop a manhwa cause u don like it?Like its your own choice/opinion.

    Yuuji. January 8, 2024 10:17 pm
    Well I tried, but still can't read it if it has romance in it, made me lose interest in reading completely. I can’t help it Yukiii (●´ω`●)

    Thank goodness im not aloneeee

    LatteGratte January 9, 2024 4:42 am
    dropping a manhwa because you didn't like/care for something in it isn't embarrassing, it's normal. we're reading shit illegally here, if we don't like something we can easily drop it with no issues. you must b... Min

    I guess my sarcasm didn’t communicate. It seems you’re the one in a little-bitch phase.

    LatteGratte January 9, 2024 4:51 am
    Thats true da hek why u guys even fighting about it Yuuji.

    lol ig I should have put /s or something bc I thought most would come to the conjecture I was not being serious.

    Min January 9, 2024 5:29 am
    I guess my sarcasm didn’t communicate. It seems you’re the one in a little-bitch phase. LatteGratte

    are you stupid? absolutely NOTHING in your tone or your writing gave any hint you were being sarcastic. all it sounded like was you were agreeing with the wap.exe person. so no, you're still a little bitch, because you're just saying you were being sarcastic when you obviously weren't to cover your ass. i always love whenever someone writes dumb shit and gets called out for it, they always have the "iT wAs sArCaSm YoU gUyS aRe sOo sTUpiiiD" excuse. your "sarcasm not communicating" is YOUR fault, not anyone else's.
    write better so your dumbass tone comes through in your text, or put tone indicators if you're that inept at writing.

    LatteGratte January 9, 2024 5:37 am
    are you stupid? absolutely NOTHING in your tone or your writing gave any hint you were being sarcastic. all it sounded like was you were agreeing with the wap.exe person. so no, you're still a little bitch, bec... Min

    Sigh. I understand your frustration, but insults and aggression will not resolve this miscommunication. While I take responsibility for any lack of clarity in my sarcasm, calling me names like "little bitch" and questioning my intelligence is unproductive and needlessly disrespectful. If my joke did not come across as I intended, I'm willing to acknowledge that and clarify myself, which I did. If you read my second comment, you’ll even be aware that I also agree- I should have used a tone indicator. But that does not make me inept. Sarcasm can be tricky to convey through nothing but text at times. However, the aggressive and vulgar response seems like an overreaction. There are more reasonable ways to address a potential misunderstanding. Iapologize if my sarcasm caused confusion or offense - that was not my goal. I would also urge you to consider how quickly you resort to personal attacks, rather than addressing issues in a thoughtful manner. Disagreements happen, but the way we address them also matters. There was an opportunity for understanding here that has now been obscured. I think you should reflect on how to progress in a spirit of openness rather than closed-minded insults.

    Min January 9, 2024 6:11 am
    Sigh. I understand your frustration, but insults and aggression will not resolve this miscommunication. While I take responsibility for any lack of clarity in my sarcasm, calling me names like "little bitch" an... LatteGratte

    okay sorry for calling you names. i really did believe you were agreeing with the other person, and you wouldn't be the first person to say something like "lmaooo you dropped a manhwa because of romance? you guys need to chill, it's not that deep. just ignore the romance, it's not a big part of the story." especially on both tumblr and twitter you see this kind of opinion from kids - always boils my blood, especially because they're not sarcastic or ironic or whatever. feels like they're trying to gaslight you
    anyways, tone indicators would do you some good.

    Yukiii (●´ω`●) January 9, 2024 6:22 am
    okay sorry for calling you names. i really did believe you were agreeing with the other person, and you wouldn't be the first person to say something like "lmaooo you dropped a manhwa because of romance? you gu... Min

    Agreed, why should I force myself to read things I don't like? I fcking hate romance in action man, and btw is calling me embarrassing supposed to be sarcasm? I thought it was an insult or sth, maybe bc English's not my first language

    Min January 9, 2024 7:26 am
    Agreed, why should I force myself to read things I don't like? I fcking hate romance in action man, and btw is calling me embarrassing supposed to be sarcasm? I thought it was an insult or sth, maybe bc English... Yukiii (●´ω`●)

    apparently it was supposed to be sarcastic, definitely didn't come off in their reply.
    anyways, i agree!! i despise straight romance in action stories, which is why i have dropped a lot of manhwas. i don't give a fuck how good the story is, if i see an oversexualized dumb bimbo with no self respect or any romance, i'm dropping it immediately.
    we get to curate our reading experience, so don't listen to anyone who says it's embarrassing to drop stories. read whatever you like, drop whatever you like.

    WAP.exe. January 10, 2024 4:43 am

    lolll y’all are so dramatic…at the end of the day it’s gonna be your loss for missing out on an amazing manhwa just because of one or two chapters of romance out of the 200 chapters it already has wasn’t hating on anyone’s opinion just felt bad for yall who are scared of a natural thing in life that’s being incorporated into manhwa but hey do your own thing i guess

    Min January 10, 2024 5:08 am
    lolll y’all are so dramatic…at the end of the day it’s gonna be your loss for missing out on an amazing manhwa just because of one or two chapters of romance out of the 200 chapters it already has wasn�... WAP.exe.

    i like how you call us dramatic but then say everyone's "scared" of romance just because they don't wanna read that shit. you're toootally not dramatic. you don't have to feel bad for anyone, we're all quite happy not reading things we don't want to. we're also quite happy not being annoying judgemental pricks. so you can take your pity and shove it right up your unclean asshole.

    WAP.exe. January 10, 2024 5:41 am
    i like how you call us dramatic but then say everyone's "scared" of romance just because they don't wanna read that shit. you're toootally not dramatic. you don't have to feel bad for anyone, we're all quite ha... Min

    My asshole is actually very clean I wash it every morning and every night

    Yukiii (●´ω`●) January 10, 2024 6:44 am
    lolll y’all are so dramatic…at the end of the day it’s gonna be your loss for missing out on an amazing manhwa just because of one or two chapters of romance out of the 200 chapters it already has wasn�... WAP.exe.

    Oh so then are y'all not dramatic when you said we're scared of romance and called me embarrassing just bc i said i dropped it bc i don't like to read it anymore? And tbh, I feel quite relieved to have dropped it. Maybe y'all don't understand the feeling of hating something, just seeing it or thinking about it makes me lose interest.