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Buncha theories (very long post)

Black Lavender January 7, 2024 10:54 am

Fake Moha - someone else possessing Moha's body in the second timeline (possibly the first too).
OG Moha - original Moha in the first timeline.
Current Moha - Moha in her new body in the second timeline.

Theory 1: someone else is in Moha's old body. Could be another one of prophecy lady's enemies who happened to know her secret. She also decided to keep current Moha as her maid because she knows she's the real deal since mc blurted out the truth in a panic. In the first timeline, she could have been the one to bring destruction and killed all her tiger buddies since OG doesn't have memories of doing so. So this fake might have been in OG Moha's body all along. Also, it is impossible for two same souls to exist in the same place, let alone exist in different bodies. Fake Moha knows current Moha lied her way out and is keeping her close.

Theory 2: someone else is in Yeumho's body. He could have been replaced before he took that elixir. He was associated with sorcerers so I wouldn't be surprised if a sorceror happened to have knowledge of the future and decided to become immortal to enjoy the heavenly life instead of OG Yeumho. Fake Moha could be the colleague.

Theory 3: the sorcerors from theory 2, fake Moha, fake Yeumho and the water dragon are wrapped up in a conspiracy that involves Moha. The underworld Arlecchino looking dude knows but chooses not to get involved. Prophecy lady is also a suspect but she doesn't know fake Moha possessing the body.

Theory 4: the heavenly empire is sus and might be doing something to bring down Moha, hence theory 3 is a part of this one. They colluded with Fake Yeumho + sorcerers to get rid of her. Probably because she has a good reputation on the earthly realm and the empire wants to boost its reputation. So Moha will go down in history as a foolish villainess who gave up her domain she was in charge of for love, while the empire will be praised for restoring order.

Theory 5: owl boi also regressed back in time to save prophecy lady, then again he too has the ability to see the future and memories of the past. Her wish came true in the first timeline though, I wonder what happened for her to hate and ridicule Moha so much.

Theory 6:

Theory 7: white tiger could have snitched on OG Moha stealing the elixir. Could have been current Yeumho too. Or else why was she banished to earth immediately? He appears to have feelings for MC. OR it could be one of the angel maids who has unrequited feelings for white tiger.

Theory 8: if elixirs exist, then shady stuff exists too. Somebody distributing them around. Example: the drink MC drank in the first timeline during the feast.

Theory 9: someone is preventing lady prophecy from seeing the entire future of the fake Moha. Meaning lady prophecy is a pawn.

Theory 10: owl boi knows current Moha will succeed and overcome her tragic fate. The fact that he was ready to serve her as his new master means prophecy lady will be spared from an incoming horrible fate, and current Moha would overthrow the conspiracy brewing and come out successfully on top.

Been a while since I wrote theories like this, hope you enjoyed reading them! I had fun writing up all of these ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    LeRain January 21, 2024 3:00 pm

    Yeah the Mohwa from current timeline is weird to say the least

    LeRain January 21, 2024 3:01 pm
    Yeah the Mohwa from current timeline is weird to say the least LeRain

    I mean fake Moha is weird since she seems so obviously fake

    Yuu May 5, 2024 2:48 am

    uuuuh so i am p sure that yeomhu's bod is inhabited by his greedy reptilian looking brother who was aided by long white haired....i guess you called him water dragon?? dude. i guess he didn't like the idea of moha (tho basically anyone) having the ideal love he lost & he wants moha's bod for his lovers soul since she was like ill or something n they have to keep swapping her body out until one matches and can contain her soul......assuming she used to be a goddess. but could have also been a human which would explain his desire to quash the love between moha & yeomhu our of envy. as for why he put the gross bro in yeomhu's bod i'd assume it's to drive moha into a corner by being absolute trashy trash in her mans appearance so she weakens enough out of frustration & exasperation that they can snatch her body.

    moha is still basically in god terms a young teen or so & she was p sheltered so her naivety makes some sense to me. if we're going with your theories then i feel the likely one for the 2 mohas would be that the dragon dudes sickly lover from past time line could potentially be in moha's actually bod in this timeline but i highly doubt that?? she could just be seeming sus because she's nearing the end of her days like in the original timeline and is still angsty over yomehu (since she doesn't know what 2nd bod moha knows) juuuuust like in the original? like she seemed to be having a lot of emotional turmoil and mental instability there.

    uuuuuh trying to cover the other stuff.....owl boys trying to help his past master but i think it's sort of a like.......he knows she helped dragon dude with all this shit to secure moha's body and he knows it will end up destroying her and even though she abandoned him she is the one who originally made him a spirit beast???? or something? she picked him up and raised him and all that. so he's paying her back for that by at least ensuring she doesn't meet the worst ending. him helping moha's less for moha and more for the ex-master but he does seem to see current moha in a good light so it's sort of 2 birds 1 stone. his past master clearly has feels for dragon boy tho so i'm not entirely sure if she knows his entire plan or what...could just be a total simp