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Aight… there’s 81 chapters rn but I’m gonna stop at 73 and let it marinate for a yea...

Yan January 7, 2024 6:32 pm

Aight… there’s 81 chapters rn but I’m gonna stop at 73 and let it marinate for a year again. Really agree with the person that said this flashback should’ve been a prequel or included as a side story at the end cause this is really fleshed out. And as much as a I love the storytelling of their past, I am DYING to know the continuation of the present events. Haha but currently that will be in a far bit so adios, see u in 2025 eternal covenant

Also, I really like how different the artist made sol look at the start of the second season like it’s not just his hair, but it’s his eyes, or more specifically his eyebrows. Then slowly it softens up to look like the sol we’re more used to the more as he and Brian’s relationship progresses.
