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I felt so uncomfortable. Being on drug doesn't excuse anything I loved this webtoon before...

Sunflower January 7, 2024 10:16 pm

I felt so uncomfortable. Being on drug doesn't excuse anything
I loved this webtoon before the last 4 chapters, but now... I'm not sure anymore

    DaddyMilkers January 8, 2024 3:24 pm

    Yes and no.
    He was drugged, almost heterosexually raped, then was manipulated to rape Jin.
    Hardcore drugs put you under a trance-like state, even susceptible to brainwashing.
    You become delusional and can't tell the difference between reality and fiction.

    Now... continued use of a drug, while knowing it will fuck you up, or going into doing a drug that you know will fuck you up-- that's a choice and not excusable.

    That's why I have no pity for chosen addictions.