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Really liked it when it first came out then it was just the same boring thing after jeju i...

Sugaroll January 7, 2024 11:07 pm

Really liked it when it first came out then it was just the same boring thing after jeju island arc.

God tier art with incredible action scenes, dope chara-design but other than that mid story, no character development for Jin-woo so forget the sides characters who's just there to gapes at how strong the MC is.

Used to like Jin-woo, interesting characters with much potential but it went down the rain, didn't really feel attachment to the other characters either and we'll let's say Hae-in interest for Jin-woo in the first place is just plain stupid...

But still enjoyable read, just no that good for me personally.
Good story if you don't want to think too much and just enjoy action!

    JUUN11XX January 9, 2024 7:47 am

    This webtoon reached its peak at jeju island i agree

    Sugaroll January 10, 2024 10:30 am
    This webtoon reached its peak at jeju island i agree JUUN11XX

    Yeah not a bad webtoon of course I liked the beginning.
    For me it doesn't deserve it's rating but I know a majority of people prefer action over a good story so I guess it's fair
    It could have been a good story with good action.

    Still I'm glad for the solo leveling fans for the anime release, hope they enjoy it, seems good.

    JUUN11XX January 10, 2024 3:14 pm

    Yeah episode 1 came out really nice i hope its stays that way for the rest of ita upcoming episodes, though the only one that i want them to change is the progress of blonde girl and jinwoo. Bcs there was no chemistry between them at all, it all felt so rushed and dry. But lets just say the author doesnt know how to write romance.

    Sugaroll January 10, 2024 7:42 pm
    Yeah episode 1 came out really nice i hope its stays that way for the rest of ita upcoming episodes, though the only one that i want them to change is the progress of blonde girl and jinwoo. Bcs there was no ch... JUUN11XX

    I agree, it would be so great