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Diana should have gotten punished

The Fujoushi pinkiepie January 9, 2024 12:16 am

Alright. This just my opinion.

I think Diana should have been punish for using wind magic and fl almost drowning.

I got these people that are like distant family members that the grandparents had their house burnt to the ground due to a grandchild. The kid was like 7 I think.
It was an accident. He was playing around with fire, lit the curtains, saw smoke and ran away without alerting anyone. Thankfully the adults noticed smoke and escaped with their live.
All the memories of the family; photo album and stuff gone forever. The grandparents and family are devastated.
They had to stay with one of their children’s apartment and the grandfather started slowly rebuilding the house with everything he made (he’s a farmer).
The child was very spoiled and honestly can get away with murder. He can do no wrong in his parent’s eye and his dad would get violent if someone scolded him. The kid is a biter and is violent to all his cousins. The kid has even inherited a house since birth that was willed to him.
He faced not a single consequence for his actions on burning down that house. No one even pulled him aside to explain the situation to him or anything. He now goes around still playing with fire as if nothing happened.
The grandparents were made to feel unwelcomed by the son-in-law and they eventually moved back to the unfinished house. They grandfather died some months ago due to heart attack and he didn’t Hager to finish the house. Leaving his wife. They are fortunate to be surrounded by family, so the gramma will be taken care of well, but if the house was not burned down he would not have to be working so hard to rebuild his place, plus farming animals and would have been alive today.

I’m leaving out a lot of details, but this is the gist of things. I really felt that the child should have been made to acknowledge at least what happened and to not do it again. Or learn to be more mannerly.
Yes, the parents in my story was to be blamed as well.

I feel like in story I’m reading now has a bit of gaslighting from the future selves to the younger version of the characters. They come back and are asking for forgiveness and telling them some stuff. But they need to remember that it’s not okay even if things will get better. Why must Diana get away with that just because her future self is so sorry? There should have still been some reprimand. Why must the victim wait it out until the other person comes around. Why must fl say take it just because it will be okay in the future. It’s not okay now. And in reality, a person like Diana would just grow up without consequences and be a spoiled ignorant person.

I myself am worried for the future of my cousin. He doesn’t look like he will change and I’m just glad to not be around them to deal with that.

That’s all I gotta say. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistake.
