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I feel like the other couple wasn't even given a chance to live .. Couldn't it be revealed...

Anonymous December 27, 2016 7:44 am

I feel like the other couple wasn't even given a chance to live .. Couldn't it be revealed by the dark haired partner and then they lived off simply or something like that, or do they really need to die? Also, it feels like everyone else are villains or extras, apart from the main couple. As if the point was only to make sure the main couple got a happily ever after, the end. I also wanted to see a possible love story (why is everything always "love love love", myself? Can't they be friends? No, but then it would be more satisfying for me.) For the middle aged guy and the stubborn yet not-so-bad guy? Finally, I wished that the village chief didn't die the way he did...
Overall, it's nice, had the potential to be nicer, but to be honest it left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe that's because it's not all happy. Or maybe some other reason.
