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Is our MC a healer or nah

Xytch January 9, 2024 10:21 am

Okay wait I need clarification, is the MC a healer or not? Bc at first I thought the screams that caused the death of those scientist dudes were from BOTH the MC and the other kid. But when I checked the details/colours of the screaming sfx, it seemed like MCs scream was just a normal scream while the other kid’s scream sfx had more details, like it showed that his one was insanely loud and caused those deaths??? IDRK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT but if u checked the panel again, I think u might understand what I’m trying to get here

Also if our MC isn’t a healer, then why is that tcher so in love with his voice and why wasn’t MC affected when the other kid shouted in that one chapter?? Is our MC like a half-healer or what

    Dorko January 10, 2024 3:33 am

    He must be a healer not only because teach was obsessed but he mentioned his parents too. Also you ll notice chaewols screams impact everyone but him.

    Dorko January 10, 2024 3:40 am

    Oh wait actually maybe not saw this one novel uodates “Perhaps he could perceive Yaba’s heart, one day Cha Yiseok proposes to Yaba to sing a song to his brother, who is battling cancer, while pretending to be a healer…“