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I had this on the side for years, I started while it was still updating, and I finally rea...

empty January 9, 2024 11:16 am

I had this on the side for years, I started while it was still updating, and I finally read all of this years later! I personally like how things went. I didn’t notice the art style change because I was so focused on the story. The author is really good at writing, I would have liked to see more at the end tho. It’s a perfect cut off to a sequel, but it still fits in my opinion. Some stories end with questions and that’s okay. Will he turn into a vampire? Who is Taehyun living with? Both of them? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ Where are the parents this whole time??? The shapeshifting part got me so uncomfy tho LOL I hope the author is okay and I would like to see their future work ! Gonna go collect tokens now
