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Juliet Despisers Listen up

Isekakiooop January 11, 2024 8:14 am

Sure, is Juliet dumb? (Yes quite a bit)
But to be honest, what else is there to expect from a child who has been sheltered and had been left isolated most her life. She fell in love, and that influence was obviously not a good one. And honestly? The only bad things she did was push Rosaline (and no I don’t count her being with Romeo as bad, because one, she doesn’t know his true nature, and two, she didn’t know that they ever had a thing) and give away the passages. Now was this a major fuck up? Yes. Did it have serious consequences? Yes. But she was fed lies and poisonous sweet words from Romeo, that bastard, and unfortunately, he’s her love. If any of you were ever in a toxic relationship you’d know, it’s sometimes hard to see how bad that person is, and Juliet is constantly fighting it (though after the last ch, she likely has fully accepted the truth).
Anyway, my opinion is that she’s not a bad person. She’s just a good person who did a bad thing. Stop acting like her and Romeo are on the same level of awful. I’ll defend Juliet till the day I die
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Drowsy January 11, 2024 8:33 am

    She is not a good person because again her true nature is greed. She only wants to feel needed and wanted although she already gets everything she wants. She knows how Romeo is but decides to turn a blind eye, it is very common for people who fall in love with bad people to turn a blind eye for the sake of their happiness. She is a bad person and understands that which is why she did not even fight the accusation. It literally takes common sense just fucking common sense to see that they were gonna use the tunnels for murder. Because SHE HAS BEEN KNOWING THT ROMEO IS NOTTTT A GOOD PERSON BC EVERYONEEEE AROUNDDD HER KEEPS TELLING HER. It’s one thing to be sheltered it’s another thing to continue to be naive and stupid.

    Nikki January 11, 2024 4:24 pm

    She just got her grandma killed after showing thugs her family secret emergency exit. I don’t despise her. I think she’s pathetic and dum but to each their own. It’s not always about why, it’s the fact that she never thinks about consequences

    Isekakiooop January 15, 2024 9:45 pm
    She is not a good person because again her true nature is greed. She only wants to feel needed and wanted although she already gets everything she wants. She knows how Romeo is but decides to turn a blind eye, ... Drowsy

    It’s called manipulation, she was isolated with Romeo for 3-4 years, having only him to rely on. On top of that, it’s a humans nature in general for greed. Her nature is gonna be stronger than average because guess what, Juliet? She’s not even an adult yet. She’s 16 to 17 years old. Keep in mind that Juliet is 13 in Romeo and Juliet. She is still young and naive and stupid, and anyone who says any 17 year isn’t naive and stupid are fucking idiots.

    Drowsy January 15, 2024 10:06 pm
    It’s called manipulation, she was isolated with Romeo for 3-4 years, having only him to rely on. On top of that, it’s a humans nature in general for greed. Her nature is gonna be stronger than average becau... Isekakiooop

    Bro this is not the original tho she is an adult here and is treated like she wasn’t sheltered or anything she threw a tantrum of not being able to be with Romeo which is why she left and the only reason she came back was bc again she saw Rosaline getting attention from the Count even though SHES ALREADY REJECTED HIM??? Manipulation or not again she is an adult in this version who has multiple resources like HER DEAD GRANDMA that tried opening her eyes. Defending a stupid person will get you nowhere.

    Nikki January 15, 2024 10:44 pm
    It’s called manipulation, she was isolated with Romeo for 3-4 years, having only him to rely on. On top of that, it’s a humans nature in general for greed. Her nature is gonna be stronger than average becau... Isekakiooop

    Of course her brain isn’t fully developed but it doesn’t change the fact that she told people she suspected were dangerous her family’s emergency escape route. She is not fully responsible and is definitely in a toxic relationship but we are still allowed to be mad at her for doing something so stupid.

    I get why you pity her but if I heard a 16 year old girl told criminals where her family hides in emergency, getting her grandma killed I would pity her but still think she deserves consequences. She got someone KILLED. She is an accomplice to murder

    Nikki January 15, 2024 10:46 pm

    Again not saying you’re wrong to feel bad for her but trying to explain why people are mad. She absolutely betrayed her family, and she’s done so twice now’s first by making them Mourn her and now endangering them leading to a death

    Yo another fudanshi here February 14, 2024 2:58 pm
    Again not saying you’re wrong to feel bad for her but trying to explain why people are mad. She absolutely betrayed her family, and she’s done so twice now’s first by making them Mourn her and now endange... Nikki
