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plinky25 January 11, 2024 2:19 pm

I saw this was only like 6 chapters and thought it was gonna be a quick and easy read- I didn’t expect to get HIT BY A TRAIN OF FEELS. The description didn’t warn me about the angst. The two main characters are so cute and loved them, I wish we got more of their sweet couple time to make up for the pain.
Also lemme rant about the story:
Call me a heartless btch but idgaf, FCK FUTABA. WHAT A FREAKIN PSYCHO. The author went the pussy route and redeemed the fated omega by having a time skip and making us think it’s okay without seeing the full development of the fated omega. Literally in the last chapter he acted crazy. And no one can blame it on the heat or fated shit. Why? Two events that showed even when they’re in heat/rut as fated mates, they still are able to think clearly to a good extent. Their bodies may be unable to resist but their minds are able to think as usual. ML was okay and rejected the fated omega even in rut during highschool, clearly speaking, as well as a little before the fated omega came with his heat. The omega even while his heat was nearing and was spreading his pheromones to the ML, was completely calm as he tried making him bond with him. Then when the event he was in heat happened, he was still able to speak and walked ALL THE WAY over to search for him.

There was no punishment given from ml to him and he got off easy. It only took pushing the ml to go into a coma and 5 YEARS for the fated omega to be like, “ohh, this isn’t cool! I should move on now!” He should be the one blamed for forcing his heat on the ml, but nah- cause he’s an omega he gets off easy. Had an alpha done that in an omegaverse- he would’ve gotten a beating. It’s also stupid that the mc was friends with the fated omega after 5 years. Idk about you, but if you basically forced the guy I like to put himself in a coma just cause you wouldn’t take no for an answer- I’d hate your guts. The fated omega losing his ability to have kids, wasn’t enough (easily resolved with adoption and it was a side effect that was caused by him receiving happiness with someone he likes= not true punishment).
