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I had a feeling this would happen

anon235 January 11, 2024 7:17 pm

I read both chapters 97 & 98 and now we can say Cain has his closure just like Yahwi. Of course Yahwi fans aren’t going #Yahwiendgame because at this point the author is playing games with both sides. I could say these chapters finally confirmed what Yahwi fans and some readers had been saying about Cain and Jooin’s relationship all along. That Cain was too stuck on the past, that Jooin went along with his feelings, and that he never really knew Cain. I’m not saying this to gloat but as a writer I’m glad the author finally addressed the developmental holes.

It would’ve been too cheap for the ring to signify they are endgame, although I’m sure some Yahwi fans will now argue the fresh absence of the leash in the title logo (the heart remains and is apparently meant to signify Yahwi) means Yahwi is now endgame, and Cain is out of the picture. The author seems to be intentionally doing things to throw us off so the endgame couple isn’t clear. The way I see it Jooin can now choose to get back together with Yahwi or give Cain a chance after a time skip, when all three of them are finally healthy. I do feel like Cain would forever see Jooin as his master, which is why I don’t think they can work, but who knows what will happen in the future.
