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How to sum up this manga

anon235 January 12, 2024 1:05 am

Yahwi is so endgame! I mean it's obvious. All you Cain stans are delusional! Haven't you ever read a BL manga?...Oh no Yahwi just got dumped. Is it really over between them? Is he really going to end up with Cain now?...Haha, Cain is definitely endgame! JUST LOOK AT THE FREAKING RING! IT'S BEEN CONFIRMED. Accept the facts Yahwi fans! Jooin already told Yahwi he didn't love him anymore - wait, what - Cain got dumped too!? And Jooin just admitted he never loved him. But that can't be...Is he going to end up with with that toxic POS Yahwi now!? NOOOOOOO!
