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LIGMA January 12, 2024 1:43 pm

Anyways.... I love the concept fated pair because you are sure that somewhere out there you have a partner that will be loyal to you and you won’t be worried of finding the right person, but there is also disadvantages like for example:

1. You fated pair might already be bonded with another or already married
2. They might be dead already
3. You partner which you choose (not fated) might have another fated pair and be taken away from you
4. Or vice versa of the number 3
5. What if they are twins?
6. I don't know you guys think of other negative side of fated pair

    Peridot08 March 29, 2024 2:37 am

    I just remember there this manga where his alpha partner have twin and both have the same fated pair.. it was a good manga but i forgot the title sorry.. but you can find it here in mangago :D