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twinkpink January 12, 2024 11:25 pm

I think kim dan is a fucking color blind, he cant even see the red in that shitty jaekyung. Fuckkkk I hate jaekyung to the bones, nothing will ever justify his shitty attitude. Fuck him

    Morning Diamonds January 14, 2024 5:28 pm
    Do you the story behind Amazing Grace? That was written in 1772 by English Anglican clergyman and poet John Newton. Before John Newton was a clergyman and trying to atone for what he did, he was captain of the... Morning Diamonds

    worse* I was trying to correct that but the correction was above post and I hit post instead.
    I am not going to make a post and If I did I would not add to it or write with such hate.
    I will tell it as it is. Do you understand tsundere? Most of the time his attitude is a facade that looks at what he means not what he says.
    Like in the elevator, he said he hates flowers. He could like flowers but he was just being jealous because someone else gave Dan flowers. He was afraid of losing Dan.

    Tsundere a person or character who swings between emotionally hot and cold, in particular when dealing with a love interest. Especially used to describe someone who is usually cold or cranky but occasionally shows a soft, kind, mushy side.