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Sooo frustrating!!!

Lieutenant Aba January 13, 2024 10:28 am

Has anyone else noticed that we get little to no thought bubbles for Jaekyung? All we know and all we see is on the surface We are basically Kim Dam but third person HAHAHA so when that part where JJ was like blabbering about how kim dan is getting under his skin lately with that facial expression. I think the love bar for Jaekyung has risen a little, and I've got a feeling that he's going to be extra mean to kim dan in the morning when or if he sees those hickeys or wake up with kim dan next to him. Mean, but not mad. Y'know? But it's getting pretty interesting.

    Lieutenant Aba January 13, 2024 10:32 am

    oh! And I've also got a feeling that he's gonna feel less frustrated and/or irritated. But I also got a feeling that I'm completely wrong and is just as delulu as kim dannie