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So this is like the sequel or a spin-off? Protagonist (Yumeko) is the mixes of all female ...

SkY@27 January 13, 2024 8:11 pm

So this is like the sequel or a spin-off? Protagonist (Yumeko) is the mixes of all female characters from the original series. More like Yuzuki and Kashima personalities with Sakura's feature actually. Why she look like Sakura though? Kinda confusing.

    bookmunchies January 13, 2024 10:35 pm

    The other upload is better quality so you might better understand if you read that one, it's just fanservice by the author. It's Nozaki-kun's little sister, things aren't really connecting in the story because they are all just little extras based on original story board concepts that have been discarded. I recc you read the other upload because things are explained there.