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It's just awful

Yona6 January 14, 2024 8:40 am

The first part of the chapter made me want to cry so much

It's just horrible to have a stalker, but for Ml it was even worse, his own father chose to let the crazy dude continue to stalk his son for 2 f*cking votes in an election !
It's like he sold his son to a pervert for his own ambition, he basically reinforced the dude's crazy thoughts by treating him like he did nothing wrong

In the first chapter I found the actions of Ml too much, but seeing this chapter, I understand why he acts like that
He must have been on guard that something would happen to him again, and he knows that there is no one to help him, he has to defend himself

Really, not everyone deserve to have children, I hope a lot of unhapiness is coming for the father
