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I love how Tatsumi changed after "losing" Senzaki. Yes, he went back to being the model st...

Onapenny December 29, 2016 4:24 am

I love how Tatsumi changed after "losing" Senzaki. Yes, he went back to being the model student yet he still doesn't care and somewhat does what he wants to do. He topped the exams without caring what could other people do to him. He used to keep his ranking high but never aiming the 1st place, right? Like everything is calculated to not attract attention complete opposite when he was with Senzaki; and know he kinda of combined those sides of him. Oh yeah, right, he did mention that, HAHA.

I love this part of Caste Heaven. Characters are struggling to find their identities because the game and their personal lives contradict each other. <3

    alheab December 29, 2016 6:52 am

    When he stated that all previous and current personalities are part of him, I was relieved. He struggled in that harsh world but he will triumph at the end.