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To people who are calling others stupid.

Ronnie January 14, 2024 7:09 pm

I must disagree with you who call people stupid because they have a negative comment about the story. People are not stupid. As some of you have stated, people like different things at a different pace. It is then idiotic to bestow your beliefs and likes to someone and call them stupid the minute they disagree with you.

Other than Jaekyung and Dan fucking a lot hardcore , Heesung appearance, more fucking, article and Dan being drunk with hardcore fucking, then back to hardcore fucking, and now reverse Jaekyung drunk. That’s it. It’s been a year. I also feel it being stalled and it’s okay to feel however you feel about the story.

Am I going to stop reading it? No. And probably others won’t. Do I hate it? No, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t wish more drama. Do you have people bitching about it? Obviously. But that’s what it means to be invested in the story!!!!!

Please don’t call people stupid, because in that case ALL OF US ARE since we’re unique and like different things and have different expectations.

And besides, who else will the story’s fan vent to? US!

    mr'slynx January 14, 2024 4:11 pm


    SAMII January 14, 2024 4:57 pm

    You’re stupid…
    Stupid is the least people have called you.
    Someone said were “sick in the mind” if we actually like this that same person wrote that comment a couple hours after the chapter had been posted. And that same person was (along with others) flooding the comments about how horrible and annoying the author was and how the story was basic yada yada.
    EVERY story will have similar plots, there’s nothing really new in anything.
    But it’s interesting enough to have y’all back.
    Now I’m not saying you have to like the top or anything (heck I don’t even like him 90% of the time) but we’re calling all the annoying “the author needs to blah blah blah” “this story is stupid” “I’m never reading this again” “the characters are hot and y’all just run with it” (who doesn’t?) “this is so stupid I’m dropping this” comments stupid.
    You’re allowed to have opinions but the “negative comments” we were talking about are not the “jaekyung is an ass” comments it’s the comments directed towards the author and her “basic” story

    Ronnie January 14, 2024 7:08 pm
    You’re stupid… Stupid is the least people have called you. Someone said were “sick in the mind” if we actually like this that same person wrote that comment a couple hours after the chapter had been pos... SAMII

    Yes, I read those too. And all I can say is that the story is not for every reader. That person who may call us sick for liking this type of story does not know us ergo their comment is irrelevant. That it may make you upset for such harsh and uncalled for comment, totally get you but remember they don’t know us and if anything they look worse than us because they’re reading it. So the moment that they make fun of us and tell us we’re sick in the mind just remember they read it too so the illness is spreading lol Hapoy reading! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Ronnie January 14, 2024 7:15 pm

    Topic: You’re stupid…
    Stupid is the least people have called you.
    Someone said were “sick in the mind” if we actually like this that same person wrote that comment a couple hours after the chapter had been posted. And that same person was (along with others) flooding the comments about how horrible and annoying the author was and how the story was basic yada yada.
    EVERY story will have similar plots, there’s nothing really new in anything.
    But it’s interesting enough to have y’all back.
    Now I’m not saying you have to like the top or anything (heck I don’t even like him 90% of the time) but we’re calling all the annoying “the author needs to blah blah blah” “this story is stupid” “I’m never reading this again” “the characters are hot and y’all just run with it” (who doesn’t?) “this is so stupid I’m dropping this” comments stupid.
    You’re allowed to have opinions but the “negative comments” we were talking about are not the “jaekyung is an ass” comments it’s the comments directed towards the author and her “basic” story @SAMII

    Sorry @SAMII, you posted this but for some reason it doesn’t show anymore. To answer your response, we do have people who called us “perverts, sick in the mind” and many other derogatory comments. However, these people don’t know us and can judges since they too just read the story. So if we’re sick and stupid in the mind, they are too my friend because they just spent time reading the same thing as us.

    That it’s hurtful and unnecessary their comments, yeah, but they look worse than us because they’re not only judging a fictional story but also people who read the same story they did lol Sonlets just continue the story my friend! And let those people shit in their panties when we talk about our liking for the story